Alright let's see here, how do I explain who I am in two little paragraphs? I guess I'll start from the beginning, then probably just throw everything else in randomly.
One interesting thing about me is that I am adopted. I'm very open about the topic and love answering people's questions to help them understand adoption better. Here is a list of my favorite things and activities that help define who I am: softball, the colors green and blue, Italian food, listening to good music, helping people, walking on the beach during sunset and into the night, pondering philosophical ideas, arizona tea, building snowmen, painting, coloring books, and eating frozen Eggo waffles. And my not so favorites: ants, bugs, fast food, people who don't respect my right to breathe smoke-free air, war, and hearing people describe injuries. My main role models/heroes/favorite people are my parents and family, my friends, my travel softball coach, and many of my teachers- special shout outs go to Mr. C. for sparking my interest in philosophy and love for learning and to all my art teachers for helping me out with anything and everything.
This paragraph will be the "Me In the Future" paragraph. My goal is to go to Oberlin College in Ohio to play D3 softball and to double major in Psychology and Philosophy with a minor in Studio Art. I'm thinking about becoming an art therapist; I would love to be able to help people especially through art. I am ridiculously excited about going to college but I also am so excited to have a great senior year and really make the most of my time left in high school. Also, I want to visit Antarctica.