Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Veggie Straw/Chip Nutrition Facts
130 calories per serving.

All of sudden, I found myself thinking about sociology when I found myself reading the Nutrition Facts label on my bag of Veggie Straws.  I realized that the Nutrition Facts labels that can be found on virtually every food product in our country are a symbol of  American culture.  People have become so obsessed with monitoring their calorie intake that they forget to look at the overall healthiness of a product.  When making a decision on what types of snacks to buy, many Americans base their decision on which product has fewer calories. The ignore the fact that while one product may have fewer calories than its competitor, it may have higher amounts of artificial flavors, sugar, sodium, and fat.  The calorie craze causes many people to think they're eating healthy when they're actually eating some of the worst food out there.

1 comment:

  1. Later on in the semester we will be looking at trends, fads and fashions, and we'll be able to put the fixation with the food we eat in there. It's amazing how people forget to look at the whole picture of what they eat and just look at fat, calories, sodium instead.
